மாயாஜால முக்காலியும் பால்காரியும் | THE MAGIC STOOL | Bed Time Stories | Fairy Tales | Tamil Stories

இந்த கதையின் முழுத்தொகுப்பையும் பார்த்து ரசிக்க download செய்யுங்கள்: https://www.magicbox.co.in/World-Folk-Tales-p202273410

அன்பால் மட்டுமே அணைத்து உயிர்களையும் பணிய வைக்க முடியும் என்பதை குழந்தைகளுக்கு புரியும் வகையில் இந்த மேஜிக் பாக்ஸ் கதையில் கூறியுள்ளதை கண்டு ரசியுங்கள்.

From beyond the green lands of Scotland comes the folklore of the Magic Stool. Margarette, who owned a dairy farm, was always found frowning and complaining about everything in life. One day, as she pushed the cow out grumbling and milked her, the cow kicked the milk pail and ran off. Cursing the poor animal, Margarette wished she was born as a princess. Do you suppose her wish came true? Watch this exciting story by MagicBox Animation and enjoy the tale.

Each and every land on the globe has a past of its own and shares a separate set of folk and mythical tales of its own. MagicBox Animation brings you for the first time a collection of folktales from the world over, sharing stories from every race, sharing thoughts and energies experienced by all and give kids a chance to learn from each set of tales. So stay tuned to our channel and settle down to blow your minds away.


Want to see more Magical Stories: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVTUFnUc34k-VDRQtdtBoLptV8RaxH1bF

Check out more videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVTUFnUc34k-tLDc6gerReDqRPuMVkC8F

Website: https://www.magicbox.co.in/

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