?? Wiccan Prayer for Bedtime ? Crescent Moon Goddess Devotional
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?? Wiccan Prayer for Bedtime ? Crescent Moon Goddess Devotional

?️ Light a white candle during this prayer to unwind and end your day on a positive, thankful note.

Daily Candle Rituals: https://spells8.com/wiccan-devotional/ ⭐

Prayer is a powerful tool for Wiccans. It connects us with the Divinity, helping us express our gratitude and extending our requests and needs.

A bedtime or night Wiccan prayer is fundamental, to entrust our body, our home, our family, as well as our spirit to the protecting powers of the Universe. Praying before sleep gives us confidence in our higher selves, our gods and goddesses. It can give us a peaceful and pleasant dream after a day full of blessings.

Full-Length (12 min) Meditation: https://spells8.com/crescent-moon-wiccan-prayer/

This wiccan night time prayer means we are grateful for all the good (and bad!) that happened to us on this day, for all the things that we did and everyone we met today. Here we ask for intuition, for protection and to enhance our powers of manifestation.

Bring serenity and devotion with a Crescent Moon Prayer. Whether you are a Witch, a Pagan, a Wiccan, all of the above or nothing at all, a night time ritual with a candle and the Moon is a perfect way to say hello to the beautiful, powerful light of the glowing, waxing pearl above.

This Wiccan devotional meditation was inspired by the following works:

The Crescent Moon – Amy Lowell
Ulalume – Edgar Allan Poe

Transcription of the prayer:

Slipping softly through the sky
Little horned, happy moon,
Can you hear me up so high?
Will you come down soon?

On my nursery window-sill
Will you stay your steady flight?
And then float away with me
Through the summer night?

Brushing over tops of trees,
Playing hide and seek with stars,
Peeping up through shiny clouds
At Jupiter or Mars.

I shall fill my lap with roses
Gathered in the milky way,
All to carry home to mother.
Oh! what will she say!

Little rocking, sailing moon,
Do you hear me shout — Ahoy!
Just a little nearer, moon,
To please a little soul.

Crescent Moon,
I come before your light to give you my life.
All my past, present and future.
I ask you to guide me in your truth and teach me.
My faith is my shield and your light is my sword.

Reveal me your secrets. Let the hidden become manifest.
Reveal the hidden things that prevent my growth and my maturity.

Reveal those things that prevent your blessings from entering my life.
Make all my plans succeed.
Bless me and keep me faithful.

I will strengthen myself with your great power.
I will face all difficulties and remain firm, resisting until the battle is over.
I will remain alert and persevere until I can hear your voice

And now, as the night is senescent
As the star-dials hint of morn,
At the end of our path as a liquescent
And nebulous lustre is born.

Out of which a miraculous crescent
Arises with a duplicate horn.
Astarte’s bediamonded crescent
Distinct with its duplicate horn.

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