?? POCOYO ITALIANO- IMPARA L’INGLESE con Cambridge: Move your Body! | CARTONI ANIMATI per bambini
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?? POCOYO ITALIANO- IMPARA L’INGLESE con Cambridge: Move your Body! | CARTONI ANIMATI per bambini

? YOUTUBE KIDS: ➜➜ https://ytkids.app.goo.gl/Isjp
? IL FILM DI POCOYO➜➜https://youtu.be/eJ9pjFh5ukE

❤️ ISCRIVITI per nuovi video qui: https://www.youtube.com/user/PocoyoItalia?sub_confirmation=1

?More assets from Cambridge Assessment English: https://camengli.sh/3e2CJc8

➜ Più canzoni per bambini: https://www.youtube.com/watch?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_cMN-IDs4c&list=PLOY9guFx55F1b7KLzOcd1yym07vH4kQyT

Impara l’inglese da casa con i tuoi figli. Balla, canta e divertiti con la migliore musica per bambini di Pocoyo.

This video of Pocoyo is brought to you in collaboration with Cambridge Assessment English. For fun activities based on the video, as well as other resources for parents and children from Cambridge Assessment English: https://camengli.sh/3e2CJc8

Music ?, dance ??, learning ? and also, fun is guaranteed in this videos for children. ? Learn english at home with Pocoyo. ??

► Goditi i cartoni animati di Pocoyo in italiano e le migliori canzoni per i bambini per ballare e imparare l’inglese. Tutti gli episodi completi di Pocoyo della stagione 1, la stagione 2, Let’s Go Pocoyo! e i nuovi episodi della stagione 4 di Pocoyo. Impara e divertiti con i video per bambini di Pocoyo.

If you are feeling sad
If you don’t want to play
I know something funny
Everything can change
It’s really easy
When the music plays
Now is the moment
You can try and start to dance
All jumping forward
And then all jumping back
Now put your hands up
You can try and start to dance
It’s time to move your hips
And wiggle your feet
Turn around now
You can try and start to dance
All jumping forward
And then all jumping back
Now put your hands up
You can try and start to dance
It’s time to move your hips
And wiggle your feet
Turn around now
You can try and start to dance
Today is your birthday
Dancing in the street
In summer holidays
And those of Christmas Eve
In the mountains
Or on the beach
Anywhere in the world
You can try and start to dance
All jumping forward
And then all jumping back
Now put your hands up
You can try and start to dance
It’s time to move your hips
And wiggle your feet
Turn around now
You can try and start to dance
All jumping forward
And then all jumping back
Now put your hands up
You can try and start to dance
It’s time to move your hips
And wiggle your feet
Turn around now
You can try and start to dance
Put your hands in the air, move your feet!
Jump! Jump! Jump!
Everybody get down!
When I count to three…
Everybody dancing!
One, two, three…
All jumping forward
And then all jumping back
Now put your hands up
You can try and start to dance
It’s time to move your hips
And wiggle your feet
Turn around now
You can try and start to dance
All jumping forward
And then all jumping back
Now put your hands up
You can try and start to dance
It’s time to move your hips
And wiggle your feet
Turn around now
You can try and start to dance
All jumping forward
And then all jumping back
Now put your hands up
You can try and start to dance
It’s time to move your hips
And wiggle your feet
Turn around now
You can try and start to dance
All jumping forward
And then all jumping back
Now put your hands up
You can try and start to dance
You can try and start to dance!

➜ ? TUTTE le stagioni di Pocoyo qui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkzSXNvNFpM&t=41s
➜ Guarda Let’s Go Pocoyo su Rai YoYo!: informazioni!http://www.raiyoyo.rai.it/dl/PortaliRai/Programmi/PublishingBlock-844eb8e1-6772-4ebf-b345-3cddc0e103f0.html?ContentItem-56767ea5-ee09-4d84-8634-9c90a063b4dc
➜ Stagione 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMVpgq8B6Nk&list=PLOY9guFx55F2fmMdlLrKToY9AhpTgwfsh
➜ Stagione 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EdmoiLIhDM&list=PLOY9guFx55F2jQVzj45QK3gBL9Mmswp0l
➜ Nuova Stagione: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsqIV1mJXOc&list=PLOY9guFx55F2VvjpCK1qFFATTmSlYHnFq

?WEB: https://www.pocoyo.com/it
?APPS: https://www.pocoyo.com/it/apps
?FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pocoyo
?INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/pocoyo

Benvenuti al canale ufficiale di Pocoyo.
Pocoyo consiste in un contenuto di animazione a tema didattico e divertente dove la curiosità del giovane protagonista, in compagnia dei suoi inseparabili amici, Elly, Pato, Loula e Ronfotto, Polpo, Ronfottino, Bruco e tanti altri, generano molteplici storie in un mondo creato per lui, in cui si sviluppa ogni tipo di situazione in un mondo pieno di colori, forme e musica con un linguaggio visuale che colpisce.

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#ImparareInglese #CambridgeEnglish #CartoniAnimatiPocoyo