10 Acne Myths Skin Experts Want to Warn You About
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10 Acne Myths Skin Experts Want to Warn You About

How to get rid of acne for good. Statistics have shown that 95% of all people on our planet suffer from acne at some point in their lives. Acne and other skin imperfections can be provoked by dozens of various causes from your eating habits to using the wrong skin-care products.

You eat right and follow your skincare routine to a tee, yet your acne hasn’t gone anywhere? What are you doing wrong? Well, you’re most likely guilty of believing some common acne myths that are no help when it comes to clearing up your skin. Bright Side presents the most widespread myths and shares how to protect your skin from harm and get rid of acne as quickly as possible. So what are they and what should you do? Let’s find out!

Myth #1: Only teenagers get acne 0:46
Myth #2: Acne is contagious 1:26
Myth #3: You should wash your face more often to get rid of acne 2:04
Myth #4: Moisturizing can clog pores and increase acne 3:00
Myth #5: Putting toothpaste on pimples helps heal them 3:42
Myth #6: Makeup causes acne 4:17
Myth #7: Acne face mapping is legit 5:17
Myth #8: You can pop pimples if you do it safely 6:09
Myth #9: Junk food causes acne 7:05
Myth #10: You’re the one to blame for your acne 7:53

#acne #pimples #healthyskin

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– Dr. Anjali Mahto, a dermatologist from Cadogan Cosmetics clinic, says that there are two main subtypes of adult acne: persistent acne that stays with you from your teenage years and late-onset acne that happens after the age of 25.
– Acne can be caused by a variety of factors, including excess oil, clogged pores, bacteria, hormone imbalance, and many others. Notice how that list doesn’t include human contact?
– Over-cleansing dries your skin out and irritates it even more, which can make your acne worse! So don’t go too crazy with it: washing your face once in the morning and once in the evening is enough.
– A lot of people with acne skip moisturizing and focus way more on drying their pimples out. But the fact of the matter is that every skin type, no matter how dry or oily it is, needs moisturizing to keep a healthy balance.
– Menthol or mint toothpastes can dry out a pimple; there’s no denying that. However, dermatologist Dr. Rebecca Baxt warns that toothpaste also irritates your skin and leads to redness and peeling.
– Makeup itself doesn’t really cause acne. However, there are still some things you should keep in mind. First of all, try to choose products that suit your skin type.
– Pimples on the forehead are often provoked by having bangs, wearing hats all the time, or using hair products that clog pores. Cheek acne can be caused by using a dirty phone or pillowcase.
– We all know the urge and weird feeling of satisfaction that comes with popping a pimple. But if you really want your acne gone for good, you should never pick at your face.
– Try to give up dairy for at least a week and see whether your skin improves. In any case, what you eat still majorly influences how you look. So try to stick to a healthy diet, and you’ll see good results on the inside and out.
– Unfortunately, a lot of people these days think that acne is a sign that you don’t take care of yourself and that it’s entirely your fault. But you need to understand one thing: acne largely depends on your hormones, genetics, and many other factors that are totally out of your control.

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