10 Popular Jobs That’ll Make You Fat
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10 Popular Jobs That’ll Make You Fat

A new study conducted online by an American company named Harris Interactive suggests that professions involving high-stress levels have a higher percentage of workers putting on weight! To be honest, we here at Bright Side were quite surprised to find some occupations on that list.

For example, it includes travel agents! These people try their best to please each customer, planning and organizing their trips. The process involves much pressure and stress. Plus, it involves hours of constantly sitting at a desk.

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Travel agent 0:27
Attorney 0:47
Social worker 1:03
Teacher 1:20
Artist, designer, and architect 1:42
Administrative Assistant 2:03
Scientist 2:21
Police officer 2:42
Marketing and PR professional 3:01
The last one, IT professional 3:20

#excessweight #excessfat #stress

– Attorney. In this field, stress and pressure are common things. Eating because of anxiety and not controlling calories make it one of the jobs that will most likely make you gain weight.
– Just like travel agents, social workers spend too many hours sitting. They often eat at their desks and almost never take part in exercise or any physical activities during their work day.
– When you hear the word “teacher,” what image comes to mind first? It seems they need to exercise more than others to keep the pounds off.
– Artist, designer, and architect. These occupations go hand in hand with flexible hours and independent work. The same applies to their meals: they eat when they want. Also, most of the time they work while sitting.
– The administrative assistant is another profession that involves always being ready to help others. Also, they usually have a bad lunch habit: eating right in front of the computer.
– The image of a policeman eating donuts is classic, isn’t it? Have you ever wondered why? For these guys, eating is often the only effective way to fight stress.
– Marketing and PR professional. This is another example of jobs without fixed schedules. They have no deadlines to meet or routine to follow, but they do have events they have to attend. Most of the time such events offer great food and drink, and that’s why the profession is on this list.
– IT professional. This field is a combination of the scientific and creative spheres. They spend way too many hours in front of the computer and deal with a lot of stress. They usually work late hours that, of course, leads to bad eating habits.

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