25 Etiquette Rules You Should Know And Follow
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25 Etiquette Rules You Should Know And Follow

9 things should be kept secret: age, wealth, family quarrels, religion, medical problems, love affairs, gifts, honor, and disgrace.
Do you think you are a real gentleman? Or probably you call yourself a lady of high manners?
Etiquette is all about how to behave beautifully. Unfortunately, many people consider respect for the rules of etiquette as something shameful, considering it a feature of classy aesthetes who are removed from real life.
In fact, the basic rules of etiquette are pretty simple. It’s a culture of speech, common courtesy, neat appearance, and control over your emotions. Here are 25 etiquette rules that every self-respecting person should know.

If you say, ’I invite you,’ that means you pay 0:54
Never pay a visit without calling first 1:11
Don’t put your phone on the table in public 1:43
Don’t invite a girl on a date if you’re going to be texting all the evening 2:17
A man never carries a woman’s handbag 2:36
If you’re walking along with someone and your companion greets a person 2:52
Men can eat sushi with their hands 3:12
Your shoes should always be clean 3:34
Avoid meaningless talk on the phone 3:50
If someone offends you, you shouldn’t return the favor 4:03
A man should always walk on a woman’s left-hand side 4:22
Puddle-splashing of passersby is an immoral behavior 4:38
9 things should be kept secret: age, wealth, family quarrels, religion, medical problems, love affairs, gifts, honor, and disgrace. 5:52
In the cinema, theatre, or concert hall, you should move to your seat facing those sitting 5:18
A man should never touch a woman without her permission 5:30
If someone calls to you rudely, you shouldn’t answer 5:50
The golden rule when using perfume is moderation 6:06
A well-bred man will always show proper respect to a woman 6:23
In a woman’s presence, men only smoke with her permission 6:33
When you enter a room you should be the first person to greet everyone there 6:49
Respect the privacy of correspondence 7:04
Don’t try to chase fashion 7:22
If you’re forgiven after you’ve apologized, don’t touch the offensive subject again 7:40
Avoid laughing too loudly, as well as staring at people 8:00
Don’t forget to thank your loved ones, relatives, and friends 8:15

As Jack Nicholson, an American actor said:
‘I think much of decency. How to pass a plate. Not to shout from one room to another. Not to open a closed door without knocking. Let a lady pass. These endless simple rules aim to make life better. I pay close attention to my manners. Etiquette matters. It’s a simple and comprehensible language of mutual respect.’
Let’s respect each other!

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