5 Surprising Differences Between Well-Known Products
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5 Surprising Differences Between Well-Known Products

They say there’s nothing new to be invented in this world.

It’s hard to argue when you see how many similar goods there are on store shelves! For instance, do you know the real difference between Lay’s and Pringles? Why do some people pick one brand, and some prefer another one?

5 Surprising Differences Between Well Known Products

5 Surprising Differences Between Well-Known Products

– Experiments have shown that these drinks really do taste different, Pepsi being sweeter with a hint of citrus, and Coke having a slight vanilla flavor.

– The rivalry of Lipton and Nestea is not as famous as the one between Pepsi and Coke, but it’s no less ardent. They’re almost the same regarding taste and contents, consisting of concentrated tea, water, and sugar or sweetener.

– Experiments carried out by ordinary people showed that Orbit tends to last longer than Dirol.

– BURGER KING buns are sprinkled with sesame seeds; McDonald’s are not. Cheeseburgers by the former would be more to the liking of those who have a romantic date in mind because they contain no onions.

– Pringles are only 42% potatoes, and fermented dough is used in their production. Lay’s, on the other hand, are classic chips, being actual fried potato slices.