7 Tips Every Empath Needs To Deal With A Narcissistic Personality
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7 Tips Every Empath Needs To Deal With A Narcissistic Personality

7 Tips Every Empath Needs To Deal With A Narcissistic Personality..

Hi guys, sorry for the bad recording, 🙁 there are too many noises in my place, it’s really hard to create a good recording. And after several attempts to clear the noises, the voice become so unclear like this. This video has been made, so I can’t really do another recording for this script. Anyone can give some tips for better recording? I’ll try my best in the upcoming videos. Thank you. 🙂

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“Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength” by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain :


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If you’re an empath, or you know someone who is an empath, you’ll notice that sometimes she or he struggles to keep their sanity in check. The reason varies, but one of the most challenging things is when empaths have a relationship with narcissists.

Some people may be wondering why empaths fall into the narcissistic trap, knowing that they have the ability to read people like books. The explanation is simple; empaths are attracted to narcissists easily because narcissists look desperate. They always show weakness, and the empaths mistakenly believe that the narcissist is a tortured soul who needs healing. Therefore, the empaths won’t hesitate to heal the narcissist and give their unconditional love and devotion to them.

Once they are in a romantic relationship, things will get worse especially for the empath. The narcissist simply uses them as their narcissistic supply, and before long, the empath will break.

So, in order to prevent further damage caused by the narcissists, here is a list of tips every empath can use to deal with narcissists. Although going no contact is definitely the best option, it’s not easy as they conceal their identity pretty well. If you think this information is helpful to you, don’t forget to like and share this video so that more people will be aware of narcissistic abuse.