9 Earth-Like Planets We Can Move On Right Now
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9 Earth-Like Planets We Can Move On Right Now

What planets can people live on? You might be happy to learn that 8.8 billion Earth-sized planets have been discovered so far. Over 30 of those planets in our Milky Way galaxy are very likely to be habitable to human being. Scientific teams have been hard at work trying to discover habitable planets. We don’t know if any of those planets hold extraterrestrial life, but we’ll worry about that when we get there!

Kepler-62e 1:26
Kepler-62f 2:10
Kepler-186f 3:05
KOI 7711.01 4:08
Kepler-22b 4:57
Gliese 581g 5:47
Ross 128 b 6:47
Proxima b 7:40
TRAPPIST-1e 8 :20

#earthlikeplanets #earthtwin #kepler

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– 1,200 light-years from Earth, the Kepler spacecraft discovered the Kepler-62 system. Kepler-62e is an exoplanet, believed to be a water world.
– Kepler-62f is neighbor to Kepler-62e, and they are the only 2 habitable planets in the Kepler-62 system. A study showed that Kepler-62f is most likely covered entirely in water.
– It is possible that Kepler-186f has an atmosphere that can keep the water on its surface a liquid, which is a must-have for life on Earth as we know it. Since Kepler-186f orbits a star that is cooler than the sun, we’d all be much colder than on Earth (if we were to live there).
– A little farther away than the Kepler system, at 1,700 light-years away, we encounter KOI 7711.01. It has been called “Earth’s twin,” and it’s only 30% larger than Earth. Like Earth, it orbits a sun-like star.
– Kepler-22b is 2.4 times larger than Earth, and it also orbits a sun-like star. That’s why it has a comfortable temperature of 72ºF, so you can expect to feel toasty but not too hot.
– Gliese 581g was discovered in September 2010, and it is only 20 light-years away! It’s thought to be even more Earth-like than Kepler-22b in that it could be a better home to plants and animals.
– They say that Ross 128 b is in “Earth’s backyard” because it is only 11 light-years away. Ross 128 b was discovered in 2017.
– Proxima b is 1.3 times the size of Earth. It is the closest temperate world to Earth, which means that if you were to travel there, you’d experience almost the same temperature as on Earth.
– 40 light-years away, we encounter the TRAPPIST system. NASA announced this major discovery in 2017. The TRAPPIST-1 system holds 7 planets, all Earth-sized and all habitable, surrounding a single star.

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