9 Things Deeply Intuitive People Do Differently
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9 Things Deeply Intuitive People Do Differently

9 Things Deeply Intuitive People Do Differently.

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“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain :


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We may underestimate the power of intuition. Yep, it’s the ability to understand something, without the need for conscious reasoning or for someone to tell us anything. Intuition is very real, and it’s important for our life. While everyone no doubt has some degree of intuition, some people do possess a high level of intuition. We will call them highly intuitive people, and in this video, we’re going to some of the things that highly intuitive people do differently than others.

So, no we know that intuition is the primary means of knowing or understanding something just based on our feelings. And while it’s still unexplained since we have no evidence or proof, it’s important for necessary precaution.

Like I said before, everyone has intuition, the difference is whether you use it or not. So, what’s about intuition, and how it’s good to follow and listen to our gut feelings? Well, for starter, it expands our creativity, we are at our most creative when we allow thoughts to flow freely in our mind. It also helps in our decision making, increase our self-actualization and bring better health. Not to mention, it may also save you from a deadly situation.

Now that we all know a lot about our intuition and how it’s an essential part of our lives, here are some of the things that highly intuitive people do differently than others.

Please watch the rest of the video to see all lists …