An Old Man And The Gazelle | அரேபிய இரவுக் கதைகள் | Episode 3 | Arabian Nights in Tamil
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An Old Man And The Gazelle | அரேபிய இரவுக் கதைகள் | Episode 3 | Arabian Nights in Tamil

இந்த கதையின் முழுத்தொகுப்பையும் பார்த்து ரசிக்க download

The story of the Old Man and the Gazelle begins with the old man claiming that the gazelle is, in fact, his wife, who was magically changed into a gazelle as a punishment. The story is a cunning idea by the old man to delay the Genie from killing the merchant. Watch this video by MagicBox Animation to know what happened to the merchant.

Arabian Nights” is a collection of ancient tales told by the Sultana Scheherazade, who relates them as entertainment for her jealous and murderous husband, hoping to keep him amused and herself alive. On every Night Scheherazade tells the king a tale but does not end it. The king, curious about the stories end, thus postpones her execution in order to hear the conclusion. This collection of stories is also called as “a thousand and one nights”.

Click here for the playlist (Arabian Nights):


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