Be Careful! These 9 Signs Mean Someone Is Exploiting You
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Be Careful! These 9 Signs Mean Someone Is Exploiting You

9 Signs That Mean Someone Is Exploiting You.

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In this world, some people deserve to be defended, and there are also people that we should leave immediately. Those who are worthy of being on your side are the ones who have shown their quality to you, and you should treat them equally. Not necessarily always close together, but continue to provide you with their support despite the distance.

But there are also those who always come when they need it and disappear when everything is done. This is what you are being used for. They can put on a sweet and kind face so that you have empathy for them. You know, exploitation can be very sneaky and covert, but it’s not flawless either. There are always things that you can pay attention to if you think you’re being exploited.

From now on, you have to care more about yourself. Don’t spend your time on people who have never taken you seriously. If you experience these things, you must begin to realize the probability of exploitation.


? We would like to thank our generous Patreon supporters who make SlightlyBetter possible:
– Patti Harada
– Niki Mate

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“Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength” by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain :


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