BETTER THAN TAKE OUT – Pork & Chives Potstickers [锅贴饺子]
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BETTER THAN TAKE OUT – Pork & Chives Potstickers [锅贴饺子]

Potstickers is a type of dumplings. In this video, you will learn 2 of my secret techniques that will ensure your pot stickers turn out perfect.

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How to knead the dough:


– 10 ounces of bread flour
– 4.5 ounces of water
– 1/2 tsp of salt


– 0.5 pound of ground pork (15% fat)
– 1.5 ounces of ginger and garlic water
– 1 tbsp of soy sauce
– 1.5 tsp of dark soy sauce
– 1 tsp of sugar
– 1/2 tsp of salt or to taste
– 1 tsp of white pepper
– 4 ounces of non-flavored chicken stock (Homemade chicken broth –
– 5 ounces of Chinese leek (diced)
– 3 ounces of carrot (minced)


– In a stander mixer, add 10 ounces of bread flour and 1/2 tsp of salt. Turn it on for 20 seconds.

– Then slowly add 4.5 ounces of water from the side of the bowl. Keep mixing it for 3-5 minutes.

– Turn off the machine and switch paddle with the hook attachment. Start it with low speed. Let it run for 2 minutes then increase the speed to medium and keep it on for 5 minutes.

– 5 minutes later, the dough should be pretty smooth.Put this in a bowl. Cover it. Let it sit at room temp for 40 minutes.

– 40 minutes later. Knead the dough into a round shape. Use your forefinger to poke a hole in the middle. Stretch it to make a big ring. Cut the ring off then you have a long even piece of dough.

– Roll this to make it thinner. Cut it into small even pieces. Each one should be 0.4 ounces. You can use a scale if needed.

– Sprinkle some flour so they don’t stick to each other. Flatten them one by one.

– Roll it into thin sheets. Use your thumb to hold the middle. Right-hand rolls it. Left-hand holds and turns it.

– When you get it into a small round wrapper. Then roll it few more times in one direction so you have an oval shape pot sticker skin.


– In a mixing bowl, add in 0.5 pounds of ground pork (I will recommend 15% fat), 1.5 ounces of ginger and garlic water which I just simply blend the ginger and garlic with water. 1 tbsp of soy sauce, 1.5 tsp of dark soy sauce, 1 tsp of sugar, 1/2 tsp of salt, 1 tsp of white pepper.

– My first secret technique is adding 4 ounces of unsalted chicken stock in batches. You just let it run for 1 or 2 minutes until the meat absorbs the liquid. Add another batch of stock and keep doing this until the liquid is gone. You can also do this by hand you just need to put a little more effort in. By doing this, your filling will turn out incredibly juicy.

– Once the liquid is all gone. Increase the speed to high and let it run for 5 minutes. This is my second secret. As the machine spins, you should be able to see that the meat starts pulling away from the side of the bowl. That means the protein in the meat are being developed which will make your filling turn out with a better texture. If you don’t have a stander mixer, you can also do this by your hand. You just mix your meat within 1 direction for 8-10 minutes until you get the right consistency. It is soft and gooey. Almost like a meat paste.

– Add 5 ounces of leek, finely diced and 3 ounces of minced carrot. Mix them until well combined. You can cook a small amount in a microwave to see if you want to adjust the flavor.


– Take some filling. I use about 1 tbsp. Put it on the wrapper. Fold it across. Pinch the middle to make sure it is tightly packed. Then sew 2 sides.

– The amount I gave is enough to make 30-40 pot stickers. If you can’t finish them all. Leave some space between them and put them in the freezer. It will last for 2 months. Whenever you want to eat them again, don’t need to defrost, just directly fry them.

– Add a little bit oil in a cast iron pan. Place your potstickers in. When you see the edge starts sizzling. Add some water in. There should be a lot of steam coming out as you add the water. Then cover it. Cook this on medium heat until the water is all gone. It will take about 3-5 minutes.

– Once the water is evaporated and the bottom is golden brown, you are done. Take it out. When you plate it, It is important to let the golden side face up. In this way, the crispy bottom will stay longer.