boondi raita recipe with tips | boondi ka raita | raita boondi | dahi boondi
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boondi raita recipe with tips | boondi ka raita | raita boondi | dahi boondi

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boondi raita recipe | boondi ka raita | raita boondi | dahi boondi with detailed photo and video recipe. a classic yoghurt based salad or dip recipe made with deep fried boondi pearls. it is typically served as cooling dip served with roti, chapati or for rice based dishes like pulav or biryani. it is very simple and easy to make as it requires very basic ingredients available on every kitchen.

boondi raita recipe | boondi ka raita | raita boondi | dahi boondi with step by step photo and video recipe. raita recipes are very basic and common recipe and perhaps one of the underrated recipe in indian cuisine. it can be made with different ingredients with yoghurt or curd as its main ingredient. boondi raita is one such popular yoghurt based dip made with deep fried and soaked boondi pearls.