Cure Foot and Toenail Fungus Fast With These Simple Recipe

Have you ever looked down at your toenails and noticed that they look a little different? They may be thick, chipped, dark, or they may be coming off of the nail bed.

We’re talking about some of the most common symptoms of nail fungus. These are infections caused by fungi that are very uncomfortable, ugly, and weaken your nails.

Nail fungus is more common on toenails than fingernails since shoes and socks make it easier for bacteria to multiply.

In today’s video we’re going to teach you two powerful recipes that can help you get rid of nail fungus.

It may take a while to treat this problem, but if you do everything right, the fungus will disappear.

The first recipe’s main ingredient is cloves. Cloves can treat nail or skin fungus because they have anti-fungal and healing properties.


30 grams of cloves;
200 milliliters of extra virgin coconut oil.



Mix the two ingredients and cook them in a water bath for 40 minutes. Let it cool, strain it, and store it in a dry glass jar.
Apply it directly onto your nail.

The other recipe combines 3 ingredients that are great at treating nail fungus. Daily use will make the environment inhospitable to bacteria, and eliminate them.


70% alcohol;
10% peroxide;
White wine vinegar.


Mix equal parts of alcohol and peroxide.
Then add a little white wine vinegar and mix well.
Apply the mixture onto the infected nail with a cotton ball an let it sit for 15 minutes.
Next, wash the area with plenty of water and rinse well.
Repeat this procedure twice a day until you get rid of the problem.

Never forget to wash your nails well in the shower, and dry them off well afterwards. Wear cotton socks and open-toed, loose shoes in order to avoid nail fungus in the future.

For more information and references, check the article on our blog:

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