DIY Cereal Box Organizer – Quick & Easy Tutorial | Best Out Of Waste Craft Ideas
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DIY Cereal Box Organizer – Quick & Easy Tutorial | Best Out Of Waste Craft Ideas

Create these clever storage boxes out of old cereal boxes. This DIY Cereal Box Organizer is easy to make and can quickly transform your room from mess to super-clean in minutes!

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Organization Hack 1

– Cereal boxes
– Ruler
– Marker
– Cellotape
– Glue gun

Step 1: Line up the 3 boxes in front of each other
Step 2: Secure them with a tape
Step 3: On the side of the box, starting from the bottom make a 12 cm mark on the last box and 22cm mark on the 1st box
Step 4: Repeat the same on the other side as well
Step 5: Connect the marks to create a diagonal line
Step 6: Separate the boxes, now for the 1st box connect the diagonal lines drawing a straight line in the front of the box
Step 7: For the 2nd box draw a straight line that connects the higher and the lower ends of the diagonal lines
Step 8: Do this for the 1st box as well
Step 9: Cut all the boxes along the lines created
Step 10: Line up all 3 boxes again, stick them together using hot glue gun
Step 11: Decorate the box using some printed paper or washi

Organization Hack 2

Step 1: Flatten out the cereal box and cut out the opening of the box
Step 2:Take the centre of the boxes top and one of the sides and mark a point
Step 3: Draw a diagonal line across the front of the box
Step 4: Do the same thing on the back side
Step 5: Connect both diagonal lines on the side of the box
Step 6: Cut through the line carefully
Step 7: Do the same thing with another box as well
Step 8: Now glue both sides of the box together
Step 9: Decorate the box by covering it with the paper or anything you like

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