DIY Clothespin Lamp Shade
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DIY Clothespin Lamp Shade

Learn how to make DIY Clothespin Lamp Shade.

1. Take three medium sized wooden clothespin

2. Remove the spring that holds the hands of the clips together

3. Repeat step 2 on the other two clothespin

4. Stick the hands of the clips with each to make a hexagon

5. Now make 6 more hexagon loops like this

6. Take 4 popsicle sticks, and stick 3 in the middle of a hexagon using two of the edges like a bridge.

7. Cut another popsicle stick into two equal halves and stick them parallel to the other four close to the unoccupied vertices.

8. Now stick the other hexagons perpendicularly such that no two consecutive hexagons have their edges coinciding to each other.

9. Once you have achieved the desired height for your lamp, take some fairy lights and coil it up inside the lamp.

10. Use the opening at the bottom to bring out the plug and connect it to the plug point and light up the lamp.

11. You now have a creative, beautiful, easy and low-cost home decor lamp.

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