ERASE THE SIGNS OF AGING WITH LASER | Explained by Dermatologist – Dr. Rasya Dixit | Doctors’ Circle

Dr. Rasya Dixit | Appointment booking number: 099018 90588
Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetologist | Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, Bengaluru
It is a very difficult prospect whether we are having a laser or a treatment whichever we are embarking on. Aging is a continuous process. So what we trying to do with laser? We are trying to rejuvenate the skin by providing some heat to the skin. So the skin itself is remodeling and providing new collagen and is becoming tighter. So the lines and wrinkles appear less prominent. So whenever we are taking about any antiaging treatment is that this is going to be a continuous process. So initially it will be more frequent say once a month or once in 6 weeks. Once you achieve a significant improvement in the skin that is the wrinkles look less prominent the scars look less prominent. Once in 6 months the treatments are repeated in order to make sure the results are maintained over a long period of time these treatment should be complemented with exercise, eating healthy, good home care products, sunscreens, topical retinoid, topical antioxidants, nutritional supplements , oral collagen supplements along with the treatment so that everything goes hand in hand. The aging of the skin is not by itself. Aging of the skin is by lifestyle, and the oral medicines and laser treatments in order to make truly successful antiaging programmes.


