Fancy Stitch Combos – Bamboo Stitch
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Fancy Stitch Combos – Bamboo Stitch

Instructions for working the Bamboo Stitch:
CO an even number of stitches
Row 1: K1, *yo, K2, pass yo over two knit stitches*, repeat between *s to last stitch, K1
Row 2: Purl across all stitches
Work to desired length, and bind-off purl-wise on wrong side of work.

To work this stitch in-the-round:
CO an even number of stitches
Round 1: *yo, K2, pass yo over two knit stitches*, repeat between *s to end of round
Round 2: Knit across all stitches
Work to desired length, and bind-off normally on what would be Round 2

The yarn used in the gray swatch is Malabrigo Chunky, and I used size 9 US (5.5mm) needles.
The yarn used in the green swatch is Hazel Knits DK Lively, and I used size 7 (4.5mm) needles.

The bamboo needles I’m using are by Clover.

The sweater on the mannequin is my Ombre Dyed Sweater, pattern + video tutorial: