Fancy Stitch Combos – Raised Rib
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Fancy Stitch Combos – Raised Rib

Instructions for working the Raised Rib Stitch:
Cast-on a multiple of 4 stitches, plus 3.
Row 1 (RS): *P1, ktbl, P1, K1*, repeat between *s to last three stitches, P1, ktbl, P1
Row 2: K1, ptbl, K1, *K2, ptbl, K1*, repeat between *s to end
Bind-off normally on the right side of the work.

To work this stitch in-the-round:
Cast-on a multiple of 4 stitches.
Round 1: *P1, ktbl, P1, K1*, repeat between *s to end of round
Round 2: *P1, ktbl, P2*, repeat between *s to end of round

This video is part of a new series called Fancy Stitch Combos. In this series I hope to demonstrate stitches that have been requested, and hopefully introduce you to some new ones that I think are pretty and useful. Feel free to drop me a note if you’d like to submit an idea for a video in this series.

Information on things you’ll see in this video:

The green sweater on the mannequin is my Learn to Knit a Woman’s sweater, pattern + video tutorial:

The bright pink yarn I used in the worsted-weight sample is Araucania Merino Worsted, knit with size 5 US (3.75mm) needles:

The gray yarn I used in the bulky sample is Malabrigo Chunky, in color Polar Morn:

The bulky purple yarn I used in the bulky sample and for demonstration is Berroco Peruvia Quick:

The wood needles I use for demonstration are by Clover, size 10.5 (6.5mm)