Fancy Stitch Combos – Rickrack Rib
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Fancy Stitch Combos – Rickrack Rib

Instructions for working this stitch are below, and on my website here:

Instructions for working this stitch:
Row 1: P1, *Ktbl the second stitch on the left needle (leaving that stitch on the needle), K the first stitch, pull both stitches off the left needle, P1*
Row 2: K1, *P into the second stitch on the left needle (leaving that stitch on the needle), P the first stitch, pull both stitches off the left needle, K1*

Repeat these two rows for the pattern.

For the nicest looking bind-off, BO on Row 1, in pattern. It’s a little tricky to pull one stitch over the other after working into the second stitch on the left needle, but it’s possible! Otherwise, you can work the BO in a P1, K2 rib.

Instructions for working this stitch in-the-round:
Cast-on a multiple of 3
Row 1: *P1, Ktbl the second stitch on the left needle (leaving that stitch on the needle), K the first stitch, pull both stitches off the left needle*
Row 2: *P1, K into the front of the second stitch on the left needle (leaving that stitch on the needle), K the first stitch normally, pull both stitches off the left needle*

Information on things you’ll see in this video:
The bulky yarn I used for demonstration is Lion Brand Hometown USA. I demonstrated using size 13 US (9mm) needles.

The yarn used in the gray swatch is Malabrigo Chunky, and I used size 10.5 US (6.5mm) needles.

The yarn I used in the pink sample is Be Sweet Satisfaction, color Raspberry 709, using size 10.5 needles (6.5mm).

The needles I used are bamboo, made by Clover.

The poncho on the mannequin is the Easy Folded Poncho, knit in Knit Picks City Tweed DK:

My “Embrace the Swatch” water bottle can be found here: