Flower top jars, how to make with craft foam

Versión en español de este video: http://youtu.be/O-qcSt6P6qc

Recycle those pretty marmalade jars (or similar) and give them a new joyful and colorful life that resembles Springtimel!!! With just some Eva foam and flower shape punches you can make these wonders that are useful for keeping sweets, beads and trinkets. These jars are an ideal decoration for a work table or for an special handmade present for your dear mother or a friend. And you decide how complicated you want it to be.

In this video I give step by step instructions of how I make them and I show you three colorful models that you can make.

I bought he molds to shape flowers in this shop:


You can see more detailed photos of these flower jars in my blog: http://fancylooks.blogspot.com.es/2013/03/preciosos-tarros-de-vidrio-con-tapas-de.html

Have a look at my Etsy place: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Fancylooks

Musical theme: Light hearted moment – http://www.jewelbeat.com. Order ID: 130205180136
