How Do Boys’ Breasts & Nipples Change? | Puberty
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How Do Boys’ Breasts & Nipples Change? | Puberty

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Learn about the breast enlargement and nipple changes that boys can experience during puberty from Jennifer Wider, M.D. in this Howcast video.

You’re going through puberty and you notice some of the girls around you developing breasts. You think this fine and dandy, and you may be a little excited even until you look down at your own chest and notice that you’re developing breasts too.

Your first reaction is, “What the heck is going on?” I’m here to tell you that breast growth, believe it or not, is a normal part of puberty for boys. Why does it occur? It’s a biochemical reaction that changes some of the testosterone, that’s the boy hormone, into a little bit of girl hormone, which is estrogen.

You may notice some soreness and tenderness and sensitivity around your nipples. You may even notice a little bit of breast growth. 75 percent of boys–that’s three in four–in fact experience this slight breast growth. Believe me, you’re probably going to be the only one that notices it.

There are a few things you can do to cover it up. If it’s the summer, wear a light-fitting T-shirt over your chest, and no one’s going to notice. If you’re going swimming, definitely make sure to wear a rash guard. That can cover it up too.

Please remember this is a normal part of puberty. It’s nothing to freak out about. You are not turning into a girl, but I do want to mention that if it’s before puberty or after puberty, if you’re older or younger than that normal time span of 10-16, and you notice a little bit of breast growth, and you’re a guy, you may want to speak to your parents, who can make an appointment with your doctor just to check everything out and make sure everything is normal.