How I Made My Brows Thick in Just a Week
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How I Made My Brows Thick in Just a Week

Thick eyebrows are not going to get any less trendy any time soon, which means girls all over the world will keep trying to get the bushy eyebrows in a variety of ways. Some women try to fill their brows out with special pencils and other beauty tricks, but they often look β€œpainted” and extremely fake. So if you’re looking for all-natural remedies that would make them grow, here’s a couple of simple but highly effective homemade remedies can change your look completely in days!

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Fenugreek seeds 0:56

Castor oil 2:35

Shea butter 3:42

Green tea 4:20

Aloe vera 5:00

Essential oils serum 6:36

– Fenugreek seeds are known to be extremely beneficial for your hair, making it thick, shiny, and healthy. And pretty much the same thing goes for your eyebrows and eyelashes!
– The main secret of fenugreek seeds is the nicotinic acid, which rebuilds hair follicles and massively stimulates their growth.
– Castor oil is a must-have remedy for gorgeous skin, luscious hair, and perfect eyebrows and eyelashes! It contains an impressive amount of proteins, fatty acids, and vitamins, which all nourish your hair follicles and allow them to grow.
– Shea butter contains numerous vitamins, including vitamins A and E, which improve your hair texture and encourage hair growth.
– Green tea is packed with crucial antioxidants that provoke healthy hair growth, making your lashes and eyebrows way thicker.
– Aloe vera contains a very important compound called aloenin, which is known to promote hair growth.
– Castor, lavender, and cedarwood essential oils contain a unique complex of vitamins and minerals to promote hair growth and nourish the hair at the same time.

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