How Much Coffee Is Too Much? A New Study Has the Answer

How many cups of coffee is safe to drink in a day?

Do you like coffee?

With or without milk?

Sweetener, sugar or black?

Everybody knows that coffee is a stimulant and reduces the feeling of tiredness.

That’s why many people use it as a quick way to wake up in the morning.

One of the problems of coffee is the time when we drink it, as we have seen in a recent video (click on the link at the end of this video to learn more about it) and its excessive consumption.

Many things are said about coffee, but the truth is that, if consumed in moderation it can be incredible to our health.


Did you know that coffee, in the right dose, makes people more alert, increases the metabolism, prevents uterine and liver cancer, type 2 diabetes and offers many other benefits?

If you end up consuming more coffee than what you are used to and exceed the recommended amount, you may present many symptoms, which we will explore in this video.

It’s also important to remember that many foods and beverages contain caffeine.

If you want to be healthy and keep your daily cup of joe, pay attention to how much you are ingesting.

Now, tell us: how many cups of coffee you drink in a day?



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