How to Crochet a Half Hexagon
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How to Crochet a Half Hexagon

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Hey everyone! Today I’m going to show you how to crochet a half hexagon! It’s great for a blanket or project that you’re making with hexagons because it will create a straight edge for the project you’re working on.

How to Crochet a Hexagon:…

How to Join Hexagons:…

Project Ideas:
Blankets, scarves, pillows, hats, etc!

Crochet Hook Used:
5 mm metal hook

Yarn Used:
100% Acrylic yarn from Red Heart Yarn in the color Black

Ch 4, sl st into 1st chain (creates a loop that you will work double crochet into)

Round 1: Ch 4. *2 dc into center of loop, ch 2* Repeat directions in between * * once. 2 dc into center of loop, ch 1, 1 dc into center of loop. Ch 1, fasten off and weave in ends.

Round 2: Attach in the 2nd chain of the chain 4 at beginning of Round 1. Ch 3, 1 dc into hole made by Round 1. *Ch 1, 2 dc into next hole, ch 2, 2 dc into the same hole.* Repeat directions in between * * once. Ch 1, 1 dc into next hole, 1 dc into top of the last double crochet in Round 1. Ch 1, fasten off.

Round 3: Attach in the 2nd chain of the chain 3 in Round 2. Ch 3, 1 dc into 2nd chain of the chain 3 in Round 2. *Ch 1, 2 dc into next hole. Ch 1, 2 dc into next hole, ch 2, 2 dc into same hole.* Repeat directions in between * * once. Ch 1, 2 dc into next hole. Ch 1, 2 dc into top of last double crochet of Round 2. Ch 1, fasten off.
Weave in all ends.

sl st=slip stitch
dc=double crochet

Carefree Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0…