How to Do a Jive Whip Step | Ballroom Dance
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How to Do a Jive Whip Step | Ballroom Dance

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Aaron: Hi guys. It’s Aaron.

Christina: And I’m Christina.

Aaron: We’re professional dance instructors here in New York City. Today we’re coming at you continuing our jive series. Taking a look at a little step we like to call The Whip. So what we’re going to be doing for starters we’re going to be starting with a two hand hold. We’re going to be starting with our basic action.

One, two, triple, triple, one two, opening up to a one hand hold. Here now guys as we rock back, rock, step. We’re going to open our right side and invite the ladies just slightly outside partner as we triple passed. Triple step. Now from here gentlemen we’re going to take our right leg and cross it behind as the lady steps through to the outside. One, two, triple, step, rock, step, going back the direction we came from. Take a look at that one more time. One, two, triple, step, single, single. And one more time.

One, two, triple, single, single, triple, rock, step, triple, single, single, triple, rock, step. Now let’s have that to some music.