How to Do a Squat | Female Bodybuilding
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How to Do a Squat | Female Bodybuilding

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Hey, my name is Erin, and I’m a former US Junior Olympic certified swim coach and personal trainer, and fitness is my passion so I cannot wait to share it with you guys.

Alright we’re going to go over some basic strength moves for beginners. So really just the basics, all you need to know if you’re starting out and you want to do a simple routine at home. All this stuff is easily accessible, you don’t need to go to the gym. Okay? So you’re going to start with the squat, compound movement, multiple muscle groups, feet a little wider than hip width apart, toes pointing forward. Make sure your shoulders are rounded back nice and tight. You can have your hands on your hips, here, out, whatever’s comfortable for you. I like them here.

You’re just going to squat down and up. Now make sure the back stays straight. And that you’re not curving the back and that your knees are not coming over your toes, okay. So kind of like so. You want to make sure that that’s not happening. You want to make sure that that’s not happening. You don’t want want the toe to come forward or the knees come forward, okay. So it should feel natural and it should feel like you’re working. Give it a nice burn right there.

Next up, my favorite move for legs, is your lunge. This is a very important move for any total body workout and you want to make sure, again, that the knee does not come over the toe. Your front foot is planted firmly on the floor, back foot you have the ball of the foot, heel is up. So the ball of the foot is on the floor and your weight is distributed evenly between both legs. And you’re just going to sink straight down, and come up. Sinking straight down, and come up. So again, making sure that the torso doesn’t shift, you’re not going one side to the other. Stay nice and centered, if you had a weight coming down the center line of your body and making sure that knee doesn’t come over the tow. So 90 degrees here, 90 degrees on the back foot, and up. Nice and easy. And you just switch legs, switch to the other side.