How to Do Multiple Strikes | Karate Lessons
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How to Do Multiple Strikes | Karate Lessons

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Okay. Now we’re going to do multiple strikes. With multiple strikes, it’s often beneficial to strike in different heights. To go high, then low, or low, then high. This confuses the opponent and creates a better setup for a decisive blow.

So the first one we’re going to do is kizami-zuki kage-zuki, which is really a classic that everyone will use in competition or, God forbid, you should be in a situation. So driving off the back leg, shifting so you get a very sudden, quick movement. That’s going to be the one to the face. And then following through to the body. When you do this, make sure you’re not getting top-heavy and leaning forward, because you might not be able to stop, and you’re not getting drive. Always, always, your center is going to be bearing down at the ground. If you’ll notice, my back leg is well sprung. It’s sprung again for the second technique. So both techniques are coming off the floor. I’ll do a fast one. Another.

Here when we’re moving like this in the dojo, we’ll make a little bit more contact like this than we did with the very basic techniques. So let’s just change the angle here. So let’s go high, then low again. This time with a kick and strike followed by a punch combination. So mae-geri comes in, back in, back fist, and finishing off with guyaku-zuki is a very natural way to complete any combination. From here, mae-geri comes in, making sure you’re not tilting your body too far. You’re still composed, driving from the floor for you’re back in to kage-zuki. Okay from here. Okay, so that’s three in that combination.

One more which I very much like. From here, as you go forward, if he’s in tune with me, he’ll move slightly as well. So the front leg lightens up. I can take his balance a little, continuing with my back kick, and basically allowing the flow of the technique to build upon itself for the final hit.

So usually, with a technique like ushiro-geri, it’s so strong that there’s no need to follow up with a punch. If you get the guy, he’s probably finished for the day. So from here.

And those are my three multiple attacks.