How to Knit: ‘2 over 2’ CABLES | 2/2 LC | 2/2 RC | 2/2 LPC | 2/2 RPC | Knitting Purl Crosses
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How to Knit: ‘2 over 2’ CABLES | 2/2 LC | 2/2 RC | 2/2 LPC | 2/2 RPC | Knitting Purl Crosses

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to knit ‘2 over 2’ cables, which are created when you cross two stitches over another two stitches. It’s a popular technique you’ll see in many cable patterns.

The demonstration includes 4 different 2/2 cables, including purl crosses which is where two knit stitches are crossed over two purl stitches. Purl crosses are usually used on a reverse stockinette stitch background.

I hope you like the video!