How to Knit Front and Back | Kfb & Kfbf Beginner Knitting Lesson | Increase Techniques
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How to Knit Front and Back | Kfb & Kfbf Beginner Knitting Lesson | Increase Techniques

This beginner tutorial walks you through the steps of knitting a kfb (knit front and back) and a kfbf (knit front, back and then front again) increase.

Increases are essential in knitting as they allow you to add more stitches to your needles mid-way through your project; allowing you to make an infinite number of knitted shapes.

The kfb and kfbf are ‘left-leaning bar increases’ because a) they cause stitches to lean a little to the left in your knitting, and b) a ‘bar’ of yarn is visible on your knitting where the increase occurs; they are visible increase techniques.

The kfb is a single increase, and the kfbf is a double increase.

I hope this lesson is useful…thanks for watching 🙂