How to Lose Weight In Less Than a Month
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How to Lose Weight In Less Than a Month

Professional ballerinas are the epitome of grace and beauty. It may seem like it comes naturally for them, but, in fact, the world of classical ballet has a lot of standards and strict rules. They even apply a special formula to calculate a ballerina’s weight, which must not be more than 110 lb! As you can understand, staying fit is essential for any ballerina; therefore, these requirements are a bit too strict for real life. However, the dieting habits of ballerinas can suit even those who are outside the ballet world and give a great result to anyone, who wants to have a flawless body.

Dilute your drinks 1:18
Don’t blacklist your favorite meals 2:03
Choose meals from Japanese and Chinese cuisines 2:58
There are also rules for drinking water 3:42
Make food portions smaller 4:38
Don’t be afraid of carbs 5:35
Don’t mix different proteins 6:34
Mayonnaise doesn’t exist 7:27
Have fast days once every two weeks 8:25
Think positively 9:16

– Even a simple solution, such as diluting drinks, can help you on your way to the goal weight. Just try to dilute your favorite dairy drinks (for example, milk) with water – add 1 ice cube for 1 glass of your drink.
– If you are dying to have a hamburger, it’s better to eat it with a lot of salad than with French fries. Originally typical hamburger contains beef, some pickles, a couple of onions, some cheese and a certain amount of other not-so-harmful ingredients.
– Lovers of Japanese or Chinese cuisines can also catch a break – these meals would not harm your figure. That’s because such dishes don’t contain extra fats and preservatives as they are cooked with fresh ingredients, such as vegetables, mushrooms, seafood, seaweed, and meat.
– Ballerinas don’t drink water while eating or right after a meal. It might dilute stomach acids, prevent normal food digestion and lead to other not-so-pleasant health issues. Instead, nutritionists suggest that it’s way better to drink water 30 minutes before and after your meal.
– Ballerinas don’t drink water while eating or right after a meal. It might dilute stomach acids, prevent normal food digestion and lead to other not-so-pleasant health issues. Instead, nutritionists suggest that it’s way better to drink water 30 minutes before and after your meal.
– The truth is that carbs are the main source of energy for your system. They boost up your mood and are very good for your heart. Plus, they make you feel full for longer, so you don’t crave all these little unhealthy snacks.
– Be sure not to mix proteins from different groups in one meal if you want your digestion to work properly. If you stick to this rule, you will say goodbye to such displeasing issues as bloating, stomach ache and nausea.
– Mayonnaise should be excluded from your eating habits. You see, the worst thing about it is that it’s quite a high-calorie product, which also digests very slowly.
– When ballerinas need to lose weight in a short period, they have “fast” days. Sounds like a quick way to lose weight, yes, but keep in mind that these days shouldn’t occur more than once a week.
– You need to think positively to set realistic goals and achieve them. And this concerns staying in shape too. As soon as you start thinking the right way and realize what your main goal is, it’ll be much easier to take care of your body, and you’ll easily keep doing what you started.

Which one of these points would you like to try? Maybe you already stick to some of them? Tell us your opinions in the comment section!

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