How to manage Lichen Planus present in the legs? – Dr. Rajdeep Mysore

One of the conditions that causes severe itching that causes severe problems to the patients is Lichen Planus. The lower part of the legs are the common areas where it affects. It can also affect the areas in the wrist and it can even affect the oral cavity that is the mouth. So Lichen Planus is a type of allergic reaction, to keep it in very simple words. Certain chemicals are produced in the blood and it leads to purplish, violet dots which are very itchy in the skin. Sometimes it can become very big growths on the lower legs, so we manage the by using various medicines. When it is very mild, we just use creams, ointments to give relief and when it is very severe, you can use tablets to suppress the chemicals which are produced in Lichen Planus, one of the effective treatments is the cyclosporine which is a tablet which blocks the cells which produce these chemicals causing these Lichen Planus. Also we have to rule out other problems like throat infection, dental infection or a tooth filling which has been done with mercury and these are known to cause Lichen Planus. Some people even after a course of antibiotics can develop Lichen Planus. So the treatment varies from patient to patient, if we can find the cause we can remove the cause, there is no need for extensive treatment. If we cannot find the cause, we have to give medicines to suppress the chemical causing the Lichen Planus. Lichen Planus lasts for quite a long time from about 6 months to 2 years, for it requires regular follow up, atleast monthly once with the doctor to keep it under complete control, so that you can have a stress free life.
