How to manage light bleeding after 5 weeks of pregnancy? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

Any light bleeding in 5 weeks of pregnancy not responding to tablets and infections now. First thing is to get an ultrasound scan done to be sure that you are not dealing with an abnormal pregnancy like an ectopic pregnancy and you confirm that it is an intrauterine pregnancy then continue the hormones or the injections whatever the person is taking an the most important thing is to counsel the patient. If there is bleeding, there is dirty brown coloured bleeding. So that is the collected blood or the bleeding that has previously happened. So it is an implantation bleed or an early sub chorionic bleed and now coming out as brown discharge with the white discharge. So if that is the case, then nothing to worry. wait and recheck, scan after 2 weeks, viability scan to look in the heart beta of the baby. Even if it is a very ,mild red bleeding, then nothing too be done, just counsel the patient, wait and watch, avoid too much stressful things, go ahead with the second scans unless there is any problems.
