How To Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires
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How To Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires

At some point in your life, you have been exposed to an energy vampire. And, if you’re empathic and compassionate, you probably made the mistake of allowing yourself to get too close to one.

Once that happened, you probably asked yourself, “How the heck did I get into this mess, and how can I avoid this in the future?!”

Both of those are great questions, so let’s address them.

1. Become Familiar With How Healthy People Behave. – In the dating world, we spend a lot of time fantasizing about what our perfect partner will be like, but we don’t typically do the same thing with our friends. This is a huge mistake, because if we don’t know how a healthy person behaves, then we’ll end up becoming attached to emotionally manipulative and conniving people. I’m willing to bet that you don’t want that.

Ask yourself, “How do healthy people behave? What are their priorities or characteristics? Where do they hang out?” and so on. Once you have an idea of what a healthy person looks like, you can begin the process of avoiding people who don’t meet those standards.

2. Set The Standards. Once you’ve gone through the first exercise, this one becomes fairly simple. It’s about knowing what you will and won’t put up with. Also, you have to become a person of high value and high standards yourself. When you do this, you will attract energy vampires, but they won’t be able to keep up with you.

3. Stick To Your Boundaries. Once you’ve set your standards and you know your boundaries, you must stick to them. This means that you have to be crystal clear about them in your communication and your behavior. Do not allow energy vampires to step over your boundaries, and don’t let them make excuses for their poor behavior either.

All too often, an energy vampire will cross a line, and the empath will move that line or make an adjustment. When that happens, you’re enabling their needy behavior, and in essence, your saying that your boundaries and standards are a joke, and that they don’t matter.

You are a person of high quality and high standards. Conduct yourself in ways that send that message across loud and clear.

Once you set a boundary or a rule with an energy vampire, they typically disappear because they hate rules. They’ll find another person to feed off of. Let them.

To learn more about energy vampires, check out this video:
3 Types Of Energy Vampires To Be Aware Of –

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