How to remove dark spots on feet ? – Dr. Rasya Dixit

When we talk about anything on the foot, we are talking about two parts of the foot. One is the top part of the foot or the dorsum of the foot, the skin of the foot and one is the sole of the foot. When you say dark spots on the foot, I am assuming that you are talking about the sole of the foot. When we talk about the sole of the foot, the most common part which causes these dark spots are viral infections which we also call as warts. These are hard spots on the skin. These don’t have to be traditionally treated only with laser. We can get away by treating it with gentle pairing which can be done with little bit of cryotherapy, which actually freezing the wart with viral killing cryogen like liquid nitrogen or even cauterizing it. Very simple treatments can also treat these dark spots, but if you are talking on the top surfaces, these dark spots could only be pigmentation which can be wrong foot wear or tight foot wear and the can usually be treated by a combination of creams as well as mild laser. You don’t need to do anything aggressive for any of these spots because in the feet the skin is usually very forgiving. So you can do treatment and you will get very good results provided you take care of the skin by moisturizing it, covering it up when you go out in the sun so that you don’t get sun exposure and it doesn’t become dark again.
