How to sew buttons on a hat
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How to sew buttons on a hat

Have you ever knitted a square hat? I mean it’s easy right, just plain garter stitch and sew up one seam?
It’s the average hat that you find in your first ‘how to knit a hat’ tutorial.

Then when you wear it does it feel like there’s a bit too much room in the top?
Maybe the corners are too big and you wish you’d gone for a usually rounded beanie shape instead…

Well here’s your answer, sew two large buttons into the top corners. They’ll do the shaping for you and it will feel a lot more natural when you get to wear it!

And if sewing is just not your forté this step-by-step tutorial will lead you right through the process. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

I’ve used 2x3cm contrasting buttons and some matching aran weight yarn, as the super-chunky yarn that I used to knit that hat would have been far too thick for the eye of the button.

To find this pattern, click here:

see more knitting patterns at:


And if you’re a beginner knitter check out this download to explain the 6 mistakes every beginner knitter needs to avoid

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music from the YouTube library, Far Behind, by Silent Partner