How to Treat Intestinal Gas | Stomach Problems
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How to Treat Intestinal Gas | Stomach Problems

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The best way of treating gas is to understand where the gas is coming from. If you notice that you are having more burping, that is probably related to swallowing air, which is the probably most common way of how we acquire gas. If you drink with a straw, or you talk and eat, laugh and eat, or you tend to swallow a lot of air when you’re talking, or when you’re eating. You’ve got to be cognizant of it and maybe stop drinking with a straw or eat a little bit slower. Just be cognizant that you are not swallowing as much air.

Then the other thing is, if it is dietary, there are a lot of dietary aids that you can use to help digest the foods to help reduce the gas. Lactose intolerants are people who can’t drink milk. When they drink milk, they may note that they get very gassy. They can either take Lactaid milk or they can try Lactaid pills, or they can try different types of milk that are not dairy milks, such as hemp milk, rice milk, or soy milk.

There are certain people who can’t digest wheat, either gluten intolerance or celiac disease. When they eat wheat, they tend to get very gassy because they don’t have the enzymes, or they don’t tolerate eating wheat. By reducing the amount of carbohydrates that they’re eating or completely take it out of their diet, it may help with their bloating and their gas.

Gas is also produced by a malfunction of the bacteria in our colons so that it’s not efficiently digesting our food. By taking a pro-biotic, or having some Greek yogurt, that helps to bring the healthy bacteria back in and really help our digestion, and help thereby help reduce some of the gas that we’re expelling.