How to Write an Abstract Step-by-Step (With Examples)
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How to Write an Abstract Step-by-Step (With Examples)

How to Write an Abstract. Once you’re done with your academic paper after months of hard work, you’ll also need to create an abstract of your paper, too. Since this writing summarizes and represents your work, you’ll want it to be picture perfect, right? Lucky for you, we’ve put together some tips on writing the best abstract, so pay close attention!

Find out the requirements 0:55
Pick the right abstract type 1:42
Consider your readers 3:27
Explain the importance of your research 4:10
Explain the problem and your methods 4:45
Avoid copy-pasting 5:19
Keep it well-structured and logical 6:15
Include key phrases and words 7:00
Sum it up 7:49
Editing and proofreading 8:18


-Whether you’re writing it to apply for a conference, grant, journal publication, or work project, find out if there are any specific requirements regarding its length and style.
-When it comes to abstract types, you have two options to choose from: descriptive versus informative. Normally, descriptive abstracts are written for shorter papers, and informative ones for longer more technical pieces.
-Fellow scholars from the same research field will easily get the ideas and special terminology you use, while average readers or people from another scientific field probably won’t grasp complicated concepts.
-As you get down to actually writing the abstract, there are four key points you wanna hit when explaining the importance of your research to your readers.
-It’s really important to define the scope of your research. It’s imperative that your research has a key claim or argument, which is definitely worth mentioning in the abstract.
-Your abstract should be an independent piece of writing and not a collage of disconnected paraphrased sentences.
-No matter how short it has to be, your abstract should be built according to the usual essay model and have an introduction, body, and conclusion.
-If you want your prospective readers to be able to find your work among millions of publications, adding 5 to 10 important key words or phrases to your abstract will certainly help.
-An informative abstract should explain what answers the research helped you find and if it supported your original argument.
-Check your abstract several times for grammar and spelling, and don’t forget to format it the right way. Another pair of eyes won’t hurt either.

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