If You Relate to These 6 Signs, You Were Born to Be a Loner
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If You Relate to These 6 Signs, You Were Born to Be a Loner

If You Relate to These 6 Signs, You Were Born to Be a Loner

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Do you love being in a quiet place and having your alone time, undisturbed and away from people, perhaps in bed reading a book or doing other “me time things”? If yes, you are probably a loner. Loners are usually introverts. They often feel more refreshed and better alone than with people who make them drained.

They are often more intelligent than their extroverted counterparts because they spend much of their time observing, absorbing, deducing, and reflecting. If you seem to fall under this category, here are six signs that validate you are a loner.


? We would like to thank our generous Patreon supporters who make SlightlyBetter possible:
– Tommy Boutros


“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain :

“Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength” by Laurie Helgoe PhD:


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