Is white discharge during Pregnancy a sign of High Risk Pregnancy? – Dr. Sapna Lulla

Pregnancy can be as confusing as it is elating and it is not always easy to say what is normal and say what is the cause of concern. One such thing is the vaginal discharge. It may vary in the amount, the consistency and the frequency and the order as with the ongoing pregnancy. Not many women are aware that some amount of white discharge is very normal in pregnancy. It can vary from time to time. Then what causes this white discharge in pregnancy. As the cervix and vagina softens with pregnancy, the white discharge increases. So that’s it, with the pressure of the fetus on the cervix. When is the discharge the cause of concern lots of thin clears discharge could be amniotic fluid prior to 37 weeks, make an immediate call to your gynaecologist. Discharge which is tinged with blood, call for help immediately.
