Lettuce Tacos with Pico de Gallo and On-Cor boneless Ribs
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Lettuce Tacos with Pico de Gallo and On-Cor boneless Ribs

Una fácil receta de tacos de lechuga con una receta deliciosa de pico de gallo. Aprende a preparar tacos sin tortillas, ideales para sustituir la ensalada por una dotación de verduras combinadas con el sabor de On-Cor con este paquete de Barbecue Sauce & 6 Boneless Rib-Shaped Patties que solo tienes que meter al horno mientras sigues preparando lo que sigue de la cena y demás pendientes del hogar.
For additional information about the entrées, visit www.on-cor.com and www.facebook.com/oncorfrozenfoods.
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Barbecue Sauce & 6 Boneless Rib-Shaped Patties
Romain Lettuce
1 cup Tomato
1/2 cup Onion
3 spoons Jalapeño
3 spoons of White Vinegar
1/2 tsp Oregano
Salt to taste

An easy recipe for lettuce tacos with a delicious recipe for pico de gallo. Learn how to prepare tacos without tortillas. This recipe is ideal for replacing the salad with an endowment of vegetables combined with the flavor of On-Cor. Use the package of Barbecue Sauce & 6 Boneless Rib-Shaped Patties for some ribs tacos. For additional information about the entrées, visit www.on-cor.com and www.facebook.com/oncorfrozenfoods.