Loom Holders by Loom Knitting Gadgets (Discontinued item)
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Loom Holders by Loom Knitting Gadgets (Discontinued item)

Join me as we look at Loom Holders made by LoomKnittingGadgets. The Hackett family has created a loom holder to help hold a loom steady on a table, lap or across your chair. Kristen Mangus reviews the looms and shows how they work. There are currently 3 holders. Links are below as well as to looms featured or referred in the video.

Why use a loom holder? May crafters have dexterity issues, meaning they have trouble with their hands, joints, fingers, wrists, etc continually gripping a loom and encounter fatigue. Loom holders provide relief. Loom holders also give an extra hand to those who may only have one hand or extremity to use. Loom Holders would also be good teach devices or a classroom setting or even videos.

Think about giving a loom holder as a gift to a fellow crafter that may enjoy an extra hand!

Loom Knitting Gadgets can be reached through their Facebook group: https://goo.gl/dyZho2

The round loom holder will also swivel to fold in for easy storage, I forgot to mention that but should be evident since it is shipped that way. 🙂

As always, I am not paid for reviews but sent items for free to test. IF you do make a purchase, please be sure to let Betsy know you watched this video. Thanks!

Looms featured/referenced:
Authentic Knitting Board http://goo.gl/A7AFok
Boye Long loom http://goo.gl/GBgdQE
CinDWood Crafts http://goo.gl/baaK1T
KISS Loom (also has loom holders on website) goo.gl/8dLuEE
Knifty Knitter looms http://goo.gl/Su0vfv
Loops & Threads (by Michaels) http://goo.gl/PpAzXN

These looms & MORE, including hand made, can also be used:
Hobby Lobby Looms http://goo.gl/sHKFRh
Martha Stewart loom http://goo.gl/5JEDhb

Pattern on Mannequin: Dew Drop Shawl http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/dew-drop-shawl

Happy Crafting!!

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