Lose 10 Pounds In 1 Week At Home With Exercises
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Lose 10 Pounds In 1 Week At Home With Exercises

Though it may not seem like it, you can actually burn 10 pounds in just a week of constant, daily exercise. Paired with a low calorie, low carb diet, achieving this much amount of excess fat burned can really be a possibility.

Of course you need to consider other important factors such as your current weight, height, age, gender, metabolism, and how hard you train. The ‘how hard you train’ part is what we can help you with in today’s video workout!

This is a 30-min full body workout that focuses entirely on your body’s strength (100% body-weight exercises) so it’s guaranteed to really make use of your body’s stored fat and will help you use those fat to convert it into energy as fuel for your body. The result is a well-toned and fit body!

It’s good to remember that this workout, or any other workout, requires dedication and discipline. You will not be able to achieve the results you wish if you’re going to quit in the beginning. So good luck and make sure to keep positive and motivated! Great things come to those who wait–and work!❤️?

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