Love and Lace Wrap – Beginner Blanket / Shawl / Wrap Pattern – Gorgeous and EASY!
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Love and Lace Wrap – Beginner Blanket / Shawl / Wrap Pattern – Gorgeous and EASY!

Hey! Re-uploading this. Just changed the pattern name. Thanks!

Lovely soul – beautiful radiant one… THANK YOU for joining me today!

You are the BEST and so so so worthy of all your dreams coming true! Don’t forget it today, no matter what anybody else says!

In today’s lesson, I show you how to get started on our scrumptious LOVE AND LACE wrap – this is great for adventurous beginners and is ALL about the LOVE, baby.

Love for yourself, for others – it really is the foundation of life.



or ANY Fingering weight yarn will work:

How to wind your yarn into balls before use:

How to Wind a Center-Pull Ball of Yarn With Your Hands or Swift

This amazing pattern will drape and flow and hug you all day long. Use it as a travel blanket or a big, cozy shawl or wrap. I have been living in this thing! I feel so elegant just walking around the office! Yet, comfortable, easy and cozy.

Enjoy enjoy and have a delightful day.
