Mughlai Paratha recipe in hindi l Easy Veg Mughlai Paratha | Cooking with Benazir
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Mughlai Paratha recipe in hindi l Easy Veg Mughlai Paratha | Cooking with Benazir

Veg Mughlai Paratha l Cooking with Benazir

You can order Wagga Wagga oil here
For more details, you can also visit our website:
Wagga Wagga is a premium cooking oil sourced from pollution-free lands of Wagga Wagga in Australia. Wagga Wagga oil promises a certified chemical-free composition, produced from Non-GM Seeds. It has a high smoke point and is neutral in taste, hence suitable for all kinds of lndian cooking.

Major Benefits of Wagga Wagga Diabetes Health Oil –

India’s first Diabetes friendly cooking oil
It is not a cure for Diabetes but a preventive measure to aid your cooking habits making for a healthy lifestyle.
Cooking oil is the key base ingredient to every food item cooked in India. But we do not give it enough prominence and only focus on the ingredients being put in the food items. Unless, the base oil is not aiding for pure and healthy cooking, simply freshness/ purity of added ingredient to the dish do not lead to healthy meals. This is a thought not considered by women of the house, the key decision-maker of kitchen in most households.
1. Pure cooking oil –
a) Chemicals free (i.e. Non-Chemically Refined- as good as non refined oil, preserving the benefits of refined oil)
b) No pollution (Sourced from pollution free lands, made from seeds created by Nature, with no artificial chemicals)
c) No GM seeds (i.e. non genetically modified seeds used.)
d) Rain water irrigated
2. Enriched with natural Vitamin E, helps for protection of Skin disease and improve Skin glow.
3. Very low Erucic Acid – Harmful for heart disease
Comparative to Sarso ka Tel – where it is high – leaves a pungent taste & odour and being high in acid count hampers our liver and may lead to more diseases
Balanced Omega 6:omega 3 which is 2:1 – Good for health and Wagga Wagga is 17:8
(Omega 6- Reduce Cardio Risk, Reduce risk of critical disease, reduce risk of obesity
Omega 3 – Good for Eyes, Good Sleep, Bone Health, Immune System)
Enriched with unsaturated fatty acid – Helps to make entire family healthy.
Olive oil consists 95-96% unsaturated fatty acids and wagga wagga canola oil consists 93% of the same
(Unsaturated fatty acid, which is good for health is approximately same in olive oil and wagga wagga canola oil, but price range for olive oil is too high as compared to that of wagga wagga canola oil. )
Indian cooking requires an oil to have high smoking point unlike that of olive oil which has low smoking point and is good as table oil only. Olive oil used in India is mostly of two kinds, pomace and extra virgin.
In most countries except India, pomace olive oil is used as industrial oil and is legally banned for cooking purposes because of the chemicals used in it.
Extra virgin is strictly used as a table-oil and no heavy cooking like frying/ deep-frying etc. But in India, it is used for high flame cooking while it actually burns much before the dish is cooked and thereby becomes harmful to health in such instances.
7 .The differences visibly seen in the very first use, making you believe in the goodness:
• Low smoke – Wagga wagga oil has high smoking point which is good for Indian cooking so it does not burn while cooking, leading to very low smoke.
• No odour
• Neutral taste – No residual flavor in the food
• Extremely Light oil – the oil getting absorbed in your food is low thus helping you avoid the need of tissue to dap the dish to absorb the excess oil
• Less oil is used to completely cook the dish and is absorbed the least

Title Music:
Ingredients for Veg Mughlai Paratha
1 Cup All Purpose Flour
½ Cup Wheat Flour
Salt to taste
½ Tsp Baking Powder
1 & 1/2 Tbsp Oil
1 Tbsp Tomato ketchup
½ Tsp Soya Sauce
1 Tsp Red Chilli Sauce
1 Tsp White vinegar
¼ Tsp Black Pepper Powder
¼ Tsp Chilli Flakes
¼ Tsp Oregano
Little Salt
1 Tbsp oil
1 Tbsp Chopped garlic
1 Onion chopped
1 Grated Carrot
½ Capsicum
Some Corn
2 Green Chillies
100 gms grated Paneer
1 Potato boiled and mashed
Little Spring Onion