No morning sickness: Worry or not? – Dr. Sangeeta Gomes

Morning sickness or nausea and vomiting are present in 70%, more often in first pregnancy, than in subsequent one. It starts following missed period and lasts upto 12 -14 weeks, the reason for morning sickness is high levels of serum beta hCG, progesterone, estrogen, altered immunology and neurogenic factors. Some women have no morning sickness as long as the scans and the hormones are normal. They should not worry, infact, they should think positive feel great that you are not suffering with morning sickness symptoms. All pregnant women need not have morning sickness. Every body is different, every pregnancy is different. Some women feel anxiety thinking that whether their pregnancy is okay or not. Enjoy yourself as long as everything is okay. Follow their regular guidelines for prenatal health coming to the reasons for darkened or hyperpigmented areola in early and late pregnancy. It is due to increase n pregnancy hormones like estrogen, progesterone, melanocyte stimulating hormone, increasing the melanin deposit. These pigmentation lighten following the delivery of the baby and completely fades away in some months.
