Q&A!!! How to Deal with Sexual Pressure | How to Reject a Guy Nicely | How to tell if You’re in Love
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HELLLOOOO lovelies!!!!!
This week’s Q&A is FINALLY HERE!!! You guys came up with SO MANY AMAZING QUESTIONS on relationships, dating, your crushes, the boys and girls in your life, and I am dishing up my answers yet again. I love these Q&As SO SO much, I am hoping you guys love them too!!! 🙂
Today’s questions include: How to deal with sexual pressure, how to reject someone nicely, what guys think of “loud girls,” how to know if you’re in love, how long I’ve been married, what to do when a crush asks you for answers to a test (!!!) and more.
Subscribe here if you’re not already! https://www.youtube.com/user/kmatherapy?sub_confirmation=1
Some of my tips are how to and DIY, and some are advice to get you to the relationship of your dreams. For more relationship and couple quizzes, advice and games, check out my website here: http://www.drkimberly.com
And stay tuned for more weekly how to and relationship videos!:-)