Seam Ribbed Panels | Triple Rib (3×3 ribbing) weave in tails
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Seam Ribbed Panels | Triple Rib (3×3 ribbing) weave in tails

Learn how to Seam Ribbed Panels together in the Triple Rib stitch (a 3×3 ribbing) and weave in tails. Panels follow pattern for Triple Rib Afghan so knit columns are on the left and a purl column is on the right side of the panel.

After making the panels place two side by side with the cast on ends toward you and the RS or Right side facing you. Use a tapestry needle and coordinating yarn to sew the panels together by hand.

TIP: test the method with a shorter scrap of yarn first to learn how to line it up right and inspect both sides first. You can attach the new strand and pull it gently through if you like.

Learn how to Loom Knit the Triple Rib Stitch and make an afghan, too.
This is a series of 3 videos:
Cast on and main stitch.
Stretchy bind off
Seaming or stitching panels together

…as featured in the Triple Rib Afghan pattern by Kristen Mangus on Authentic Knitting Board website. Use link to download your free pattern today!

Free PDF pattern Triple Rib Afghan

Loom(s): AllnOne Knitting Board (3/8″ gauge) at 1 cm spacer setting for double knitting. Alternate written for Knitting Board 28″ inch with peg extenders, do not use the peg extenders here. You will use the 1 cm spacer for both looms. May need to adjust yarn size or number of strands to larger gauge of 11/16″.

Gauge: 5.5 st w X 5.5 st per inch; use an appropriate weight yarn for your loom with an e-wrap stitch.

Heavy worsted weight yarn (4). 16 balls Knit Picks City Tweed Aran/HW Yarn used in sample. 164 yards ea.

Happy Knitting!

Kristen Mangus