?Secrets Between Tayo and You l Tayo’s Little Theater #6 l Tayo the Little Bus

Shhh…. Let me tell you a secret. Can you keep this just between you and me? Well it’s a secret about our little buses. You shouldn’t tell anybody because..that’s what secret mean, right? Haha Do you know Harry Potter movie? It’s just like that. When Harry received the secret letter from Hogwart (acceptance letter) all of a sudden, he got a lot of secrets! Let’s find out what secrets that little buses are hiding!

Please Pick Me!
Nuri had been humiliated at a singing contest she entered with Speed at a taxi get-together. This time she decides to enter with Tayo who can sing well. Suddenly, Rogi imposes himself on them, saying he wants to go, too. But Nuri can’t go to the get-together with Rogi who has a terrible singing voice. So Nuri makes up an excuse and starts to practice songs with Tayo. Rogi’s pride is hurt, so he keeps on disrupting their practice sessions. Will Nuri be able to get to the taxi get-together safe and sound?

Citu’s Secret
Cito always helps the little buses, but he is also sometimes strict. The little buses feel a bit uncomfortable around Cito because he always looks like he knows what he’s doing. They think Cito is an entirely different kind of being. Then one day, Booba, the grandfather bus who was Cito’s predecessor, arrives. Seeing Cito become flustered in Booba’s presence, the little buses are dumbfounded. Booba tells the little buses stories of Cito’s childhood.

Hana’s Special Day
Hana, who’s been working busily since the morning, finds out that she’s all out of maintenance supplies. She looks for the little buses to buy the supplies, but for some reason, she can’t find them anywhere. Hana is stumped because there are no cars she can ride out with. By chance, Nuri visits the garage, so Hana rides Nuri to get to the supply store. On her way to the store, Hana experiences several extremely fortunate events.

Tayo Season 4 is coming to town! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMkkgqJd5TJtatQ03rpz4ESy

Vroom Vroom! We bring snack video for you every week! We talk about friendship, buses fun moments and more! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMm4QUKL35eSR9InybZuhSpG

Do you have hard time to express your feeling and emotions? Don’t be afraid to show your feelings and emotions! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMnUBaHGhR4DXGNSFXTxHrTw

Meet the weekly Tayo’s Little Theater here! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMkVAOXzxhPDbcqFc49wlz2e

1 HOUR LOOP MUSIC IS HERE! You can listen your “ONE” favorite nursery rhymes for one hour! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMlPYCSE-mIjTIckHlciVqeH

TAYO IS REAL?! Watch more episodes of Tayo in Real Life

Learning for kids – Children can learn about jobs, good habits, colors, numbers, alphabets, insects, cars, buses and more! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMneyfASoZ3MqwI3wrS1Gofe

Here are the BEST episodes of Tayo the Little Bus https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMk668ykPGdzoiKrSrzBo5o_


Watch “Color Song” https://youtu.be/0hAF2FGdNwQ
More Nursery Rhymes on https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…
More Story Music on https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…

With special musical casts, Tayo brought special sing-along series. Kids favorite music show on YouTube is right here.

Check out more Tayo Nursery Rhymes and Tayo’s Little Story Music on our channel.

With special musical casts, Tayo brought special sing-along series. Kids favorite music show on YouTube is right here. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMkpQ1JkQHvWUMxJ91ilRcJ3

Do you know how many character at Tayo and how they became friends? Here are 10 episodes of answers 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMlhbZKszDUCMhfA3595A7Fn

Watch “Color Song” https://youtu.be/0hAF2FGdNwQ

Watch more Full episodes https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMlhYqGUKx4ub5Yz0W5VJB-S

You still haven’t watched The Tayo Movie: Mission Ace? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMmrCHopW5NWRsEfAcHJZbIu

Watch more Tayo’s Toy Adventure https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMm9Aat8bOTa5y8BzUpuAmYL

Check out more Tayo Nursery Rhymes and Tayo’s Little Story Music on our channel.

Watch more nursery rhymes here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMlNa0VmB8_2SOaTsCmABb0B

Tayo’s Sing along show is popular music show on YouTube. You can sing along and dance with Tayo’s favorite music!

Watch more Tayo Sing along show here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkvTG4A3XyMkpQ1JkQHvWUMxJ91ilRcJ3
